Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Next stop... Weaverdale.. The Lopsided Bag!

There are many and varied roads in Craftland, and they all lead to strange and interesting little villages.

 Usually, I'm happy to hang in Crochetville, a lot of my friends hang there too, so I have company.  Sometimes, I make a few stops in Spinnerton, for a weekend getaway. However, one does occasional need to mix things up, so this weekend I took a trip to Weaverdale.

 I have several looms. It's just that with my day job (otr truck driver) weaving isn't really a practical thing to bring along. However, I finally found a couple of smaller looms that are perfect for this application. I started this project in Indianapolis on a layover back in October and haven't worked on it since. As the Foot of Doom is still on its Purple Prison I've decided to go ahead and work on the rest of it, just for a change.

 The loom is a Harrisville Design lap loom. ( It’s a basic under-over type of loom, you can use a needle or a shuttle, I preferred the needle. I found it on Amazon and they're fairly cheap. It's a kids beginner loom, but I don’t care as I'm a beginner myself. I don't have a pattern I'm using. I made this one up myself. It's fairly basic so I can't claim to be super original or anything. It was a little annoying getting the hang of the whole thing. I kept pulling the weft  ( that's the yarn that goes horizontal) too tight and ending up with an hourglass shape. I had to pull it out and start over again. But I guess that's part of the learning process.

I'm using a 4 ply cotton, instead of the wool that came with the kit. And yes, it's a leftover lot of yarn. Will I ever use that stuff up? I still have this teeny tiny ball of the stuff left. I'm begining to thing elves are coming in when I'm asleep and making more of the stuff. Hmm, actually, given the price of yarn, that's not such a bad deal.

I took a bunch of pictures because I was just so tickled to be actually weaving on a loom. Unfortunately, this means you all have to suffer through them! Muahahaha!
The peice on the right is the one I did in indy
I was just going to have it a sandwich style

Then I decided it needed sides
And a bottom, then I lined it for support


Anyhow, here it is.


I like it,even though it's very rough and a little lopsided.  I’m sure I’ll get better in the future, but it’s not so bad for a first effort. I’m giving it to my Lady. I’m pretty sure she’ll be entertained by the effort. I hope you all are too!

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