Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Over the Rainbow Part 1

So... because I'm a huge proponent of equality. Not just marriage equality, mind you, just plain equality. And because I live in the land of the Equality Intolerant ( Sorry, folks, but it's true.) and am just plain tired of getting involved in all kinds of conversations where I have to point out that  A. The bible clearly states its not our place to judge, B. Jesus said jack squat about he stuff your saying he said stuff about and C. you really should worry about your own standing with Jesus as you're doing plenty of sinning yourself, I decided to put my angst and irritation at the topic to some good use and make something crafty and beautiful.

This is what happened.

I'm quite pleased with it.  Unfortunately, it's huge.  I had to take it outside to get the photo, where I accidentally angered a nest of red ants and then had to bribe them with honey. They took the honey, but I'm still not sure if I've been forgiven just yet.

This isn't intended to lie flat, The points have a little ripple in it that I think is unusual. It's for draping over a sofa or chair. It is for sale, if you're interested send me a message.

I like this color way so well, I think I'm going to do a series of rainbow blankets, or as my hubby calls them gayby blankets. Now I'm going to doctor my red ant bites and have a coffee.  


  1. This is stunning and beautiful! I love it and the colors! Thank you for sharing!!!
